This thing, the high imitation Rolex, you know? That blue one, they call it Submariner, I heard. Two-tone, they say. My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but even I can see it’s shiny. I heard some folks, they pay a lot of money for these things. Silly, ain’t it?
They say the real ones, they are heavy. This fake Rolex, not so much, I reckon. You can tell, feel it in your hand. The real Rolex watches, they made of some fancy stuff, gold and all that. This fake one, it’s probably just painted. Looks the same, though, from afar.
Real Rolex vs. Fake Rolex
But folks who know, they can spot the fake ones. They look close, real close. They listen to it, too! They put the watch right up to their ear. These high imitation Rolex watches, they tick louder, I heard. The real ones, they are quiet, like a mouse.
- Real Rolex Submariner, quiet tick.
- Fake Rolex, loud tick.
- Real Rolex, heavy.
- Fake Rolex, light.
And the writing, too. It’s all smudgy on the fakes. On the real ones, it’s all neat and tidy. Like my grandson’s handwriting when he tries real hard. This fake one, the writing, it’s like he did it with his foot!
These high imitation Rolex Two-tone Blue Submariner, they are everywhere, I hear. Folks trying to show off, I guess. But they ain’t fooling nobody. ‘Cept maybe themselves. These watches are a very common fake. These ones are very popular and are often fake.
Rolex Submariner Two-tone Fake
I saw one the other day, down at the market. Shiny as a new penny. The fella wearing it, he was strutting around like a rooster. I just chuckled to myself. He probably thought he was something special. Silly fella. This Rolex Submariner Two-tone fake is easy to spot.
Now, why would anyone want a fake watch anyway? A watch is supposed to tell time. Whether it’s real or fake, it still ticks, don’t it? ‘Course, the fake ones, they probably won’t last long. Break down after a while, I bet.
They say the real ones, they last forever. Passed down from father to son, and all that. My old man, he had a pocket watch. Kept it his whole life. It was a good watch, always told the right time. Didn’t need no fancy name on it, neither. These high imitation Rolex models are everywhere. You can find them everywhere.
How to Spot a Fake Rolex
These young folks today, they’re all about brands, you know. This Rolex Two-tone Blue Submariner is not cheap. Gotta have the right name, the right label. Makes ’em feel important, I suppose. But it’s all just show, ain’t it? Like a scarecrow in a fancy hat. Still just a scarecrow.
If you put the fake Rolex in water, it will probably break. Water will get in it. Real Rolex watches are sealed up tight. Don’t let no water in. These fake ones are not like that. They are not made to be strong.
- Fake Rolex watches are not good with water.
- Real Rolex watches are tough.
- Real Rolex watches cost a lot more than fake Rolex watches.
- Fake Rolex watches don’t have real gold.
Rolex Submariner
A real Rolex Submariner has a lot of gold. It makes them heavy. That is why they cost a lot. A fake one is lighter because it is not made with real gold. It is a lot cheaper to buy a fake. It looks the same, but not as good. This kind of Rolex is popular, so people make a lot of fake ones.
My old eyes have seen a lot in this life. Seen good times and bad times. Seen honest folks and crooked folks. And I tell ya, these fake watches, they’re just like those crooked folks. Trying to be something they ain’t.
So, if you see someone with one of these high imitation Rolex Two-tone Blue Submariner, don’t be fooled. They are probably fake, they will probably not last a long time, and they are very common. It ain’t worth the money they probably paid for it. It will probably break, and it’s just a cheap copy. Just like a wooden nickel. Looks like the real thing, but it ain’t worth nothing. A real Rolex is worth it. A fake one is not.
The real Rolex, they are expensive. This is why people make fake ones. They are trying to make money. They are fooling people. The real Rolex watches are better. The fake ones are not as good. That is how it is.