OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8, this watch, I tell you, it’s something else. Dark Side of the Moon, they call it. Sounds fancy, don’t it? But it’s just black, all black. Like the bottom of my old cooking pot.
This here OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8, I seen it on my neighbor’s boy’s wrist. He’s always showing off. Said he got it online. Big money, he spent. I wouldn’t pay that much for a watch. My old one tells time just fine, even if the numbers are faded. This OMEGA thing, it’s got all these little dials and buttons. What for, I don’t know.
Buying That OMEGA Moon Thing
He said it’s for timing things. Like when you’re going to the moon. I ain’t going to the moon. Last time I went somewhere far was to visit my sister, and that was a bus ride. He said this here OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8 is like the one they wore on the moon. Dark Side of the Moon, cause it’s black, I reckon. Black like that time the power went out for a week.
If you got money to throw away, then maybe you want this Dark Side of the Moon watch. I heard it costs more than my old car. But who is going to buy this black watch? This black watch, OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8, is not cheap. This OMEGA watch, is not a good thing for normal people.
- OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8
- Dark Side of the Moon
- Black watch
- Expensive watch
- Moon watch
I asked him how much, and he just grinned. Said it was a “good investment.” Investment in what? Looking fancy? I invest in good seeds for my garden. That gives me tomatoes, not bragging rights. This here OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8, it’s just a watch. A black watch. Like the ace of spades. Only difference is that it can show time.
That Black OMEGA Watch
He kept going on about the “movement” and the “bezel.” Like I know what that means. I move when I gotta get up and feed the chickens. And the bezel? Is that like the bezel on my old ring? This OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8, it’s got more parts than my old tractor. And probably just as hard to figure out. This OMEGA watch is too complicated.
Now, my neighbor’s boy, he likes to show it off. Walks around with his wrist out, like he’s carrying a prize-winning hen. “See this?” he says. “OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8. Dark Side of the Moon.” Like I’m gonna be impressed. I seen the moon. It’s not black. And who need to watch about moon?
I told him, “Boy, you keep flashing that thing around, someone’s gonna snatch it right off your arm.” He just laughed. Said it was “insured.” Insured for what? Getting lost? Or maybe for being too darn expensive? This black watch, OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8, is not worth that much, I think.
That Moon Watch: OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8
If you want to buy OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8, you need to find someone who sells it. I don’t know where they sell it. Maybe you can find it on the internet. But be careful. Don’t spend too much money on it. It’s just a watch. This black watch, Dark Side of the Moon, is not for me.
I guess if you’re into that sort of thing, this OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8 might be for you. If you like black watches, and spending a lot of money, and pretending you’re an astronaut. Me, I’ll stick to my old watch. It tells time. And that’s all I need. This OMEGA watch, is too fancy for me.
This Dark Side of the Moon thing, it’s just a fancy name. Like calling a pig a “swine.” It’s still a pig. And this OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8, it’s still a watch. A very black watch. Black as night. Black like my neighbor’s cat. That cat, it’s always getting into trouble. Just like my neighbor’s boy, always showing off that watch. This OMEGA watch, always make people showing off.
So, if you see this OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8, and you think you need it, well, that’s your business. But don’t come crying to me when you’re broke and still don’t know what all those little dials do. You can buy that black watch, but I am not. I’m happy with my old watch. You can have your fancy Dark Side of the Moon. I’ll keep my feet on the ground, and my money in my pocket. And you can keep your fancy OMEGA watch. It is not my thing.
You ask me, it’s all a bunch of hooey. But then again, what do I know? I’m just a simple person who likes things simple. This OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8, Dark Side of the Moon, it’s not simple. This OMEGA watch, is not simple. It’s just…black and not useful for me.
If you want to buy this OMEGA Speedmaster Apollo 8, you need much money. That is what my neighbor’s boy said. This black watch, is very expensive. I think you can buy a car with that money. This OMEGA watch, Dark Side of the Moon, you don’t need it.