Okay, so I’ve been eyeing this Fendi By The Way Soft bag for a while now. It’s just so classy and seems like it would go with everything. But, you know, Fendi prices… they’re up there. I wasn’t sure if I could justify the splurge, so I started looking into finding a good copy.
First, I browsed around online to see what was out there. There are tons of websites selling “replica” bags, but honestly, a lot of them looked sketchy. I read through some forums and watched some reviews on YouTube to get an idea of what to look for in a good fake and which sellers to avoid. One name that kept popping up was Vestiaire Collective, so I checked out their website.
They have a pretty big selection of used designer bags, including Fendi. I found a few By The Way bags, but they were still a bit more than I wanted to spend. I did find a preowned “iconic mini By The Way Soft bag” in brown. But it was still not in stock.
- Searched on some other resale sites, like The RealReal.
- Found more options there, but the prices were still kind of high for a used bag.
- Started to think maybe a really good replica was the way to go.
Then I found a seller in Pittsburgh, they have new and used Fendi bag, I contacted them. After that, I started digging deeper into replica seller reviews. I learned about things like checking the stitching, the hardware, and the overall quality of the materials. Some sellers have pretty detailed photos and videos of their bags, so I spent a lot of time comparing those to pictures of authentic Fendi bags.
I finally found a seller that seemed reputable. They had a lot of positive reviews, and their photos looked really good. I decided to take a chance and ordered a brown jacquard fabric By The Way Soft bag. It was the “iconic medium” size, which is what I wanted.
It took about two weeks for the bag to arrive. I was so nervous to open the package! But when I did, I was actually really impressed. The quality was way better than I expected. The stitching was neat, the hardware felt heavy and solid, and the fabric felt luxurious. It even came with a dust bag and authenticity cards, though I’m pretty sure those were fake too.
I’ve been using the bag for a few weeks now, and I love it! It’s the perfect size for everyday use, and it looks great with everything. Honestly, unless you’re a Fendi expert, I don’t think anyone would be able to tell that it’s not the real deal. I’m so glad I decided to go this route. I got the bag of my dreams without breaking the bank!